2001 Space Odyssey is in EVERYTHING

When it comes to sci-fi, 2001 Space Odyssey is the bible of the space/scifi genre.  Directed by the genius Stanley Kubrick, the film takes place before, during, and after mankind.  A study of how we come to be, how we first create the “idea”, how we first “develope”, how we make the “tool”…the list is endless.

It is impossible to watch a science fiction film and not find anything sort of inspiration from 2001.  Its what images is to film, it has become the “how to” book into making the genre.

Some people cannot take the film in one sitting, one can be due to the fact that there isnt dialogue till 45 minutes in.  Another can be, what seems to be, the emotionless dialogue and characters, or even its long takes.  But if you watch the movie its incredible how Kubrick created mindblowing sfx using tricks of the camera

and that was just one scene out of the nearly 3 hour long movie.  The movie is just complete genius and if you dont think so I would LOVE to hear why you disagree.  There are shots that are so subtle yet is a HUGE part of the theme and plot, which isnt done as often as the movies made today

This scene on youtube is rather long, but there is a part near the 2 minute mark where we see a stewardess walking to a man while the man’s pen is floating.  As cool as it looks, especially during that time, the pen is floating for a reason.  The scene before this we see the first time man created the “tool” and how they have become experts at it and how they use it to survive.  Well in this entire youtube clip, we observe how man have lost their “touch” with the tool and no longer have control of them.  Which is what the whole movie later argues for the rest of the movie.  He loses his pen, they are seen walking as babies, as if they have to learn ALL over again their basic functions.  Their food and drinks are like baby food, liquid and squishy.  They are lost in space…where their intellect and experience in earth do not serve them anymore, as they have to start from scratch to learn how to adapt.

But beside the point, seriously you have to watch this (or watch it stoned for extra points)…lets get to these awesome homages to 2001

The movie Moon seems like it was made only to pay tribute to 2001, Hal 9000 is basically GERTY from Moon, a machine that is so advance it becomes a companion to the character

This scene of Sunshine has effects of the fire that split by the middle of the scene and then we observe it through the eyes of the character, sounds like the ending of 2001…hmmm

Even a stupid movie like TRON…this rooms seems to look like the final room of 2001…interesting

In disney’s, WALL-E…the robot that is in control of the entire ship…that has a bright red eye in the center…familiar?

The list is infinite, and believe it or not…even this unknown movie, when watching the whole thing…one can find more than one homage…know which one they are?

Think of any other movies where they pay homage to 2001 Space Odyssey??

My Favorite Movies…IN MINIMAL FORM!!!


14. Pulp Fiction

13. The Shining

12. Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas

11. Reservoir Dogs

10. This Is England

9. V For Vendetta

8. Pi

7. American Psycho

6. Inception

5. The Matrix

4. Requiem For A Dream

3. Clockwork Orange

2. OldBoy

1. 2001 A Space Odyssey

This is probably the closest i can get to doing my top 15…if you havnt watched one of these…please go rent, buy, illegally download, whatever it is that you do go do it and watch.

Hope you enjoy =)