Oh, You’re Friendly…

Happy New Years Everybody! This post is coming to you late because I hurt my voice while I was watching Calvertron and Feed Me tear up The Complex (I’ll post a video later when my buddy puts it up on youtube) and since then I’ve been sick. I hope everyone had a great time bringing in the new year. Mine was pretty good. Not quite Ryan and Marissa from the OC good, but still pretty good.

In honor of how I brought in the new year, todays post will be about dubstep and other such electronic music genres. I’ve been into electronic music (Just in case you didn’t read the last post) since 2007.  It started with Daft Punk, then went to Dj Sammy, Alice Deejay and Venga Boys in high school. After I graduated I discovered Tiesto and Swedish House Mafia (I got into them because all the kids I went to the International School with In Duesseldorf, Germany kept on posting stuff of theirs on facebook) who, in turn, blew my mind. And more recently thanks to Turner and now Ryan, I’ve gotten into artists like Skrillex, Flux Pavillion, Feed Me, Kaskade, Knife Party, Porter Robinson, Datsik, Pretty Lights (Logan first put me onto this dude down in Phoenix), Rusko, Caspa and Deadmau5. So without further ado, here are the Top 5 songs (in chronological order) that made me love Electric Dance Music.

To everyone mentioned above: Consider this my “Thank You”

5) A 3 part special… Aren’t you guys excited?!  What got me into Daft Punk originally was Alive 2007. After that I learned to love their studio albums, but until then, these three songs (song #’s 3,4 and 5 on Alive) are what made me fall in love with these two French Dj’s.

Television Rules the Nation / Crescendolls    Too Long / Steam Machine        Around The World / Harder Better Faster Stronger   

4) “Better Off Alone” Alice Deejay

3) “Sweet Caroline (Techno Remix)” Angelo Venuto  –  I didn’t respect this song quite as much once I learned it was a Neil Diamond re-make, but I still yell “BOM BOM BOM” in the chorus during parties and sporting events whenever it makes an appearance.

2) “Lethal Industry”  Tiesto  –  I tend to like Tiesto a lot because of his use of elongated buildups.  I got into them after Daft Punk started playing a major role in my iPod’s life. Some people have a hard time staying with a song that long but I’m all for it. If you couldn’t get into the Daft (referencing the band, not the literal meaning of the word) songs above, you might not like this one either. But its worth a shot, so just do it.

Start at 4:40 for the song, or listen to the whole thing. This is the 2nd part of a 3-video long set he did at Sensation in 2007 which was SO good. Check the rest out if you dig it.  

1) “Bulletproof” La Roux (Chrispy Dubstep Remix)

Happy 2012 Everybody


This seemed like the best way to start off this blog.  Everyone interprets music, film, art in many different ways.  Whether it’s the lyrics, or the imagery; one can always question the artists intentions.  Having 2 minds, one of film and the other of music, pretty sure we’ll keep whoever is seeing this pretty entertained.

Gracias =)