“I prefer the Term Homage”

As I watched High Fidelity again the other day, I was thinking to myself, I wanna work in a record store (but I realized none of them were making money so that thought left me quickly).  Then I noticed I was 10 minutes into the movie and top 5 lists had already been mentioned at least 3 times. Which brings us to todays topic:

Top 5 Lists

I was thinking about doing all the Top 5 Lists from the movie all in one post but I realized a) that would take so long to research, write, and read and b) sebastian has been bugging me about not posting in the last couple days so I’ve been thinking about doing a one-a-day thing where I do a Top 5 from the movie everyday (duh) until I’ve done them all. In addition to that, in order to spice up my own life, I’d throw in other posts so that its not too monotonous. Last thought before this starts: If you have seen the movie, you’ll realize that I am not going to do every single Top 5 that they talk about. Mostly because I don’t know how to answer them (if you actually realize that I don’t do all of them, you know this movie too well).

Top 5 Side 1 Track 1’s (In no particular order) :

1) Song: Sunshine  Album: Sad Clown Bad Summer  Artist:  Atmosphere  –  “Every woman looks better in a sundress” This song is just so feel good and up-beat. And its Atmosphere, who I might be a little bias towards.

2) Song: Planet Rock  Album: Planet Rock: The Album  Artist: Afrika Bambaata & Soulsonic Force  –  I’d drop an “Ali G, Indahouse” quote to flaunt my vast knowledge of movies but that wouldn’t do anything to support this song, so just listen and enjoy one great song by a founding member of the genre I love so dearly.

3) Song: Welcome to the Jungle  Artist: Guns N’ Roses Album: Appetite for Destruction  –  First heard this song freshman year of high school when David burned me a bunch of music (GNR, STP, Offspring, Jay-Z, RHCP). This album then changed my life.  Senior year of high school when I was on the year book committee (video yearbook mostly, none of the mistakes in the book were my fault) I had an idea for the beginning of the video that was shot in first person (does that mean the same thing as first person shooter? cause thats what I was going for…).  What you saw was the view of me getting off the bus, turning around to the school, and as the bus drove away this song started.  A couple months later I finally saw the music video for this song and realized I had, without any knowledge, done a pretty good homage. Cheers.

4) Song: Baba O’Riley  Artist: The Who  Album: Who’s Next  –  “So what if I don’t know all the lyrics to Teenage Wasteland?” “Its Baba O’Riley. The song’s called Baba O’Riley!”

5) Song: You Should be Dancing Album: Children of the World Artist: Bee Gees  –  While going through my music to find songs to fit this category, I stumbled upon theses guys for the first time in years (I have 14000 songs, its easy to have things get forgotten for long periods of time) and remembered how awesome they are. I gotta stop letting new genres make me forget about the classics.

Honorable Mentions:

Song: Brown Eyed Girl Artist: Van Morrison Album: Blowin’ Your Mind!

Song: Battle Cry Artist: Army of the Pharaohs Album: The Torture Papers  –  I’ve been really into these guys recently. Celph Titled’s voice and delivery are so filthy

Song: Black Dog Album: Led Zeppelin IV Artist: Led Zeppelin  –  “When it comes down to making out, whenever possible, put on side one of Led Zeppelin IV.”

I haven’t decided which one I’ll do for tomorrow…so we’ll see what I’m in the mood for when that time comes.

What are you thankful for today? Off the top of my head I can think of my friends, family, delicious food (gained 5.6 pounds at dinner today), beautiful parks, the cure for hiccups, and the button that lets you mute 12 year olds on x-box live.

Love you guys.

“Did I listen to pop music because I was miserable? Or was I miserable because I listened to pop music?”