I Love a Good Interview Pt.4

The last of 4 parts from the Donald Glover (Childish Gambino) Interview. Enjoy

“Runnin this thang, Money insane, Busy gettin brain like krang”

I Love a Good Interview Pt 2. (&3)

A couple weeks ago I put up a Donald Glover interview done by HardKnock TV (https://wedontbelongg.wordpress.com/2011/11/17/i-love-a-good-interview/ ). I was pleasantly surprised when I went looking for more of his interviews and saw that it was only one video of a four part interview. So here are the 2nd and 3rd parts to it. When the next one comes out in the next couple days I’ll probably post that too.

I love listening to him because he gives insight into a world that is speedily changing.  It started at a place where everyone who wanted to make music had to be a gangster with street credentials, which it has been for so long (and to a point still is), to a world where its now acceptable for people to talk about their personal struggles in the songs, past the point of “I used to sell drugs because I grew up poor, and now I’m living the good life”. He references Kanye as one of the main originators, if you will, behind the uprising of this new culture of hip-hop. When he proceeds to talk about the artists that he respects all have that “do it yourself” attitude (in the 3rd part) it gave me some ideas and motivation for me to try and put something out. But for now its all concepts, so we’ll see how that turns out.

Part 2:

Part 3:

I Love a Good Interview

I love watching an interview that goes past the point of being a question and answer, and into the realm of an intelligent conversation.

Side note: There’s an interview where Dave Chappelle goes on Inside the Actors Studio and is interviewed by James Lipton that looks into Dave’s life before and after show business up until the present which was right after he had come back from Africa. I’ll probably post it later on when I watch it again and get so excited about it that I share it with the world. Or the 20 people who read this site. Anyway… Hit that up on youtube, you wont be disappointed.

Anddd we’re back. Being able to learn things about people that you didn’t have a clue about comes from the interviewee being so comfortable with the interviewer that they’re able to open up past the basic a,b,c answers that they usually throw out. And when it gets to that point I eat it up.

This just came out today and in celebration of his new album doing so well (only behind Drake’s on iTunes) and me being a big fan, heres an interview with Donald Glover. a.k.a. Childish Gambino

“Couldn’t see me as Spider-man, but now I’m spittin’ venom”