Go The FOK to Sleep

I dont have kids, but i can imagine that when i do i will have to tell them some bedtime stories from time to time.  And they will all have to be G-rated, and im not really good at telling G-PG rated stories.  If it was up to me, I’d tell them a story about some serial killer, or tell them a story of some movie and tell them i made up the story, so when they grow older and they see the movie theyll be like “wow they stole this from daddy”

However…I found this, and i can only say that not only will I be buying this book to put my kids to sleep, but i hope Ill be rich so i can pay Samuel L Jackson to read this to my kids.  Please play the video and youll realize how much more awesome the book is with Samuel L. reading it


Original or Biting?


….everything starts with a bit of inspiration…

Cudi and Shia video “MANIAC”


This seemed like the best way to start off this blog.  Everyone interprets music, film, art in many different ways.  Whether it’s the lyrics, or the imagery; one can always question the artists intentions.  Having 2 minds, one of film and the other of music, pretty sure we’ll keep whoever is seeing this pretty entertained.

Gracias =)