Bring on the Cult TV

I’m here from Mitch and Murray. And I’m here on a mission of mercy!

Now that we got the pleasantries out of the way, I’ve been called upon to be a guest writer on this marvelous and mind-altering blog to talk to all you fine people about some good old fashioned cult TV. We’re gonna talk about some shows that didn’t receive the claim it should have, or, in my opinion, receive more than it already has.

Think of this as an elaborate recommendation/nostalgia list for you to see what you’ve been missing out on all these year amongst the evils of the Jersey Shore and the Kardashions (I refuse to look up how to properly spell their name), and all those other reality show entities that are simply weapons brought upon us by the almighty Cthulhu.

Sherlock (BBC)

I was torn between putting Sherlock or Luther as my first recommendation, but since Luther tends to drag itself down by Series 2, I figured I’d pick Sherlock. The shows is able to take a character that has been redone so many times over and over again (including the newest Robert Downey Jr adaptations) that the concept of this show would instantly turn you off to the idea.

But the writers and actors of Sherlock are able to take a modernization (set it in present times) of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s material and make it something so much more fresh, new, and exciting. The end result is a product that easily trumps the newer Guy Ritchie adaptations. While the Downey films are much more action packed, making the mental components take a back seat, Sherlock puts the mental complexities of the character at the fore-front while giving him new quirks and attitudes based on the technology now given to such a character.

The duo of Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman is a showstopper to put it in the corniest terms. They both perfectly embody the parts, and have wonderful chemistry together. I always love a good bromance, and Sherlock and Watson is one the oldest bromances in history, which this show loves to flaunt.

While Series 1 ends on an awesome cliffhanger, I have yet to watch Series 2, but have heard nothing but good things (wish i could say the same about Luther). But, the three 90 minutes episodes on Series 1 hooked me in completely and I’m sure they can hook you in as well.

If you’re looking for something much more intelligent and better styled than the action packed romp that is Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes, give Sherlock a try. Series 1 is on instant view, so it shouldn’t be too hard to locate and watch.


I am NOT talking about the awful CGI film made in 2002. This is simply one of the best sitcoms I’ve ever seen. When I was growing up in the ’90s, this was one of my favorite all time shows. Even when I got a little older, I never grew tired of popping in the VHS tapes I had of Dinosaurs. Sadly, I only owned a couple of episodes, and could never scrounge up more VHSs.

Luckily in around 2005, Disney finally released the entire series on DVD. Being older now and watching Dinosaurs I was SHOCKED. The show is so adult. It finds the perfect “Jim Henson” tone of balancing out adult humor with children humor.

Every episode of Dinosaurs is delivering some sort of message. The message is buried under innuendoes and metaphors within the universe of Dinosaurs. For example: The young daughter of the Sinclair family gets extremely embarrassed when her tail finally starts growing in. The guys at her school begin to notice her more, and her dad & brother get nervous. This is an obvious metaphor for girls going through puberty, but it is so perfectly buried into the universe setting that younger kids wouldn’t be able to tell.

The tackle a lot more touchy issues such as racism, sexism, the abuse of TV, and even the mistreatment of senior citizens. The shows deeper meanings are only further supported by the hilarious comedy that comes with the hijinxs of the Sinclair Family. Earl Sinclair has hands down been one of my favorite TV characters of all time. His crowning moment comes in one of my favorite episodes “And the winner is” in which he become a pawn for his boss when he tries to run for Chief Elder (political satire much).

(start at 5:22)

As you can see the show is extremely easy to find on youtube. The DVDs are also very cheap to purchase on amazon. If you’re into amazing puppetry work, Jim Henson style humor, and some of the best voice overs ever (the mom is Lucille from Arrested Development for starters!) this is the show for you!


I was sitting on a big fat pile of money during the hay day of my summer job, so I decided I blow some of it on amazon. On the top of my recommendations list was a show unknown to me called Spaced. It had recommendations from guys like Kevin Smith, Quentin Tarantino, and Bill Hader (all my idols). It also had a high review rate, so without hesitating I purchased it. I was NOT dissapointed.

Spaced is a TV series from the guys that did Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz (and also the director of Scott Pilgrim VS The World); and let me tell you, it shows! This series is for all of those super-nerd out there. They fit a very simple plot into a world filled with pop culture. Comic artist Tim and wanna-be writer Daisy pretend to be a couple in order to live in a “couples-only” flat. In doing so, they need to constantly be pretending that they are together in front of the other house mates.

Now this seems extremely easy going and traditional, but when Edgar Wright whips out his big guns of fast editing, bazillion pop culture references, and awesome actors, you see why this is such a hidden gem of fandom and awesomness. They talk about everything from Star Wars to Pulp Fiction. The homages/tributes are so endless, there’s a pop up on the DVD that can inform you when something is being homaged. But, it’s not just about the homages, the show is also able to create its own niche which make these pop culture tributes all the more enjoyable.

More importantly you grow to really love all of the characters. They are just zany and crazy and filled with hilarity that you never want to stop watching the show. The beauty of it is, the entire series is neatly wrapped into two season/series and feels like just enough to cease you from ever getting bored or tired from watching the same old thing. If you’re a super sci-fi/comic/horor/brit nerd this is without a doubt the show for you.

The Wire

What can one say about The Wire? It could potentially be the best TV drama of all time. I have it neck and neck in my book with Breaking Bad. But no matter what you say about it, The Wire is THE most realistic show in TV history.

The story is a sprawling epic about Baltimore police trying to take down the ever growing drug trafficking business in Maryland. Every season, their investigations shift main cases (Season 1 is one main drug dealer, but then get down to Season 4 and it becomes more about the school systems). The beauty of the show comes from its ability to be constantly creating unforgettable characters and scenarios that just always have you aching for more.

No one on the show looks like make-up’d super models or one of the crap actors from CSI. These all look like REAL human beings. A lot of the “drug” related characters in the show were casted straight from streets in Baltimore. Things like this just make the show better. Nearly every cold opening for episodes just rocket you into the drama and intensity that the world of the Wire is more than ready to deliver.

People’s main problems with is that there is too much material in the show for the brain to handle. But, I’ve only felt that way when I wasn’t completely paying attention. You go into The Wire with a deep concentration, you will guaranteed be in for a treat.

I don’t wish to start naming all of the characters because the list will double the length of this blog, but you will see a lot of familiar faces and super-underrated actors such as Amy Ryan and the brilliant Idris Elba pop up throughout the duration of the show.

Take it from me The Wire is the #1 show you want to add to your netflix as soon as possible.

Well this was fun, I hope you all enjoyed it, and felt decently informed on new shows to get into. If you didn’t…well…I just can’t help you anymore. I’m out of time.

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