Streets Ahead Pt. 1

A while back when Sibi and I were talking, he mentioned that I should do something on Freaks and Geeks. He introduced me to the show during one of our typical late nights in his basement and I immediately fell in love. After much deliberation (and even more re-watched episodes) it was clear to me that a cult list must be made; with some tweaks of course, since most cult tv show/movie lists are (for the most part) the same give or take a few minor differences. This list, and the ones to come, will be a combination of my favorite cult movies, tv shows and music, with some not-as-cult-like lesser known/appreciated favorites peppered in. Also, I’ve consciously decided to heed Sean’s advice and do the Top 5 bit for every list (in NPO, unless otherwise noted). Maybe one day he’ll actually read one of them…

5) This Is Spinal Tap  –  In this rock music mockumentary we follow Spinal Tap, a British rock band, as they embark on a US tour.  Although it was meant to satirize the culture of hairbands throughout the 70’s and 80’s by being completely over the top and ridiculous, it’s portrayal of that era wasn’t far off. In an interview with a member of an actual hairband (I’m almost positive it was in “The Decline of Western Civilization Part II: The Metal Years”, but don’t quote me on that), the interviewee said that when he saw “This Is Spinal Tap” he almost cried after realizing that this was exactly what the rock scene had turned into. On a more comedic note, if you are interested in being a rock drummer, I wouldn’t audition with Spinal Tap. All of their drummers have died, most under odd circumstances (Two from spontaneous combustion, and one from a freak gardening accident, among others). Authorities said the deaths were better left unsolved. This movie should be, if it isn’t already, the poster child of what a mockumentary should be like. Watch, laugh, then thank me later.    “Oh, there actually is, uh… there was a Saint Hubbins?” “That’s right, yes.” “What was he the saint of?” “He was the patron saint of quality footwear.”  

4) The Iron Giant  –  One of the last great hand-drawn animations. Unfortunately it didn’t do well in the theaters, which directly led to the downsizing of Warner Brothers Animation staff.  One of the best animated movies you’ve probably never seen, The Iron Giant will steal your heart as it tells the story of a young boy who evades the government while trying to keep his discovery, an iron giant, a secret. Easily one of my favorite animated movies of all time, and without question my #1 non-musical. P.S. Really cool article I read about this movie last week. CAUTION: there are spoilers. Check It “You stay. I go. No Following”   

3) Out Cold  –  Very loosely based on Casablanca, Out Cold has been called the “best worst movie ever”, and I couldn’t agree more. The story is mediocre at best, but it’s so unbelievably funny that its impossible not to love. The actors, a couple of whom are actually professional snowboarders, are horrible, but having the hilarious Zach Galifianakis there brings everything together. Being that Out Cold was one of the first movies he ever did, the character he plays in every movie (which has since devolved considerably) that we’ve all learned to love, and and now gotten sick of from over-repetition, is raw and untouched, making it that much better. This is one that gets better and better the more times you watch it, so go ahead and check it…then after you’ve seen it a couple times drive your friends crazy with all of the epic one-liners. “No regrets, that’s my motto. That and everybody Wang Chung tonight.” Enjoy 

2) Airplane!  –  Almost everyone on the airplane gets sick and the only person fit to fly is an ex-fighter pilot who is afraid to fly. With Leslie Nielsen (The Naked Gun) starring as the doctor on board, subtle hilarities, and war stories always followed by the listener’s suicide, this movie is easily in the top 2 of my favorite comedies of all time. “What kind of plane is it?” “Oh, it’s a big pretty white plane with red stripes, curtains in the windows and wheels and it looks like a big Tylenol.”  

1) The Big Lebowski  –  Lets be honest, you probably should’ve seen this coming. Done by the Coen brothers (True Grit, O’ Brother Where Art Thou and No Country For Old Men, among others) starring Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Steve Buscemi an appearance from Phillip Seymour Hoffman (who I love), this movie is a classic. The Dude’s life, in his eyes, is perfect; “I bowl. Drive around. The occasional acid flashback.” However, this turns upside down he gets confused with another man named Lebowski and has his perfect world shattered. “That rug really tied the room together.”  It’s on netflix. Open a new tab, and Enjoy 

Honorable Mentions:

Clerks – “I’m not even supposed to be here today!” Two convenience store (or bodega, if you will) workers in New Jersey go about one day at work dealing with ridiculous customers along with (making their cinematic debut) Jay and Silent Bob (played by Kevin Smith who was the director, co-producer and writer). Of all the movies about nothing, this is the one to see. I only wish I could have a job where there was enough downtime to talk about utterly meaningless topics.  “My friend here’s trying to convince me that any independent contractors who were working on the uncompleted Death Star were innocent victims when it was destroyed by the Rebels.”

The Warriors  –  I’ve already talked about how good the music is for this movie, so let the shock of me mentioning it again pass over quickly. The Warriors isn’t great, but what makes the cult-fanatics (guilty as charged) so crazy about it is that its original, exciting and (at least for me in the case of this movie) makes you think about what you would do if you were in it. Could I get from The Bronx to Coney Island in one night? Of course. Could I do it with every gang in the city chasing me? Hell no. I’m a little bias with The Warriors because I am from New York and whenever I see movies set in places I’ve been, I get excited watching them. Check it out. You won’t be disappointed. “Warriors, come out to play-i-ay.”

Donnie Darko  –  The movie only that will make you scared of bunnies (besides maybe Monty Python and the Holy Grail). Not much else to say other than go hit this up.  “My mom had to get a restraining order against my stepdad. He has emotional problems.” “Oh, I have those too! What kind of emotional problems does your dad have?” “He stabbed my mom four times in the chest.” “Oh.”

Can be viewed on Netflix online: Donnie Darko, Clerks, The Big Lebowski & Airplane

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