Number Five With A Bullet, Welcome

I’ve come to realize that Rob had it right “what really matters is what you like, not what you are like… Books, records, films – these things matter.”  I might seem shallow but I’ve come to realize (after lots of experimenting) that I get along a lot better with people who like the music and movies I like, specifically my Top 5. Without further ado, my Top 5 Movies

5) Gladiator  –  When I talk about this list, I almost always list the top 4 and then throw out a couple titles that cycle in and out of this last spot. American History X and High Fidelity pop up occasionally too (the former more than the latter), but this is definitely the most consistent one. I tend to stray away from admitting this is my number 5 because (as you will see from the rest of the list), I seem to have a problem with picking blockbuster (also comedy, as it were) movies as my favorites. Not that I don’t love movies like Star Wars and The Godfather etc… but maybe I’m just a little pretentious. Lets move on, shall we?

4) This Is England  –  This one started at #3 but I think this is a good spot for it…for the moment. I change my mind too much on the 4 and 5 spot. (True Story, Based on the Director’s Childhood)

3) Almost Famous  –  THE BEST MOVIE ABOUT MUSIC I’VE EVER SEEN… Ok Ray was pretty good too. The most feel good movie on the list, and at this point I think it’s tied with High Fidelity as the most quoted source on this here blog. Everytime I see the scene that says “I need to go home”…”You are home”, I wish I could be living so care free. “Show me a guy who didnt want to be popular, and ill show you someone who was scared” (True Story, Based on the Director’s Childhood) I’m also gonna point out that this has one of the best soundtracks ever put together.

2) Oldboy  –  This movie will blow your mind. In a poll (not gonna bother with a source here, it’s been a while since I saw it) it was ranked the #2 most epic ending of all time.  Be warned: it’s graphic, hardcore, and twisted (typical Korean movie, I guess). So much so that I can usually only watch it about twice a year, but its about that time of year again, so it’ll happen again soon. Im gonna be livid if Spike Lee messes up the remake. (Not a true story, thank god) “Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone”

1) City Of God  –  Included in numerous “Films to see before you die” and “Best movies of all time” lists, City of God was nominated for Best Cinematography, Best Directing, Best Editing and Best Writing (Adapted Screenplay) in 2004. Based on the childhood of one of the main characters, it follows a group of children as they grow up to run the slums just 15 miles away from the beautiful Rio De Janeiro. “If you run it will get you. If you stay it will eat you”. Go see this movie…then thank me after

Thank you Starbucks, for you provide me with free (not including the delicious mocha frap) wifi.

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