Skankin’ It Easy

I apologize for the lack of consistency as of late. I haven’t had internet in the place I’m staying at so the only time I can post stuff is when I get the energy to go to Starbucks. I’ll be in a new place come february 1st, but until then please bare with us and the sporadic posts. I’ve come up with some good ideas and your patience will pay off.

Rebelution is a reggae band from Santa Barbara, California and if you haven’t heard of them before, it’s about time you jump on the bandwagon. Their fourth album, Peace Of Mind, just came out on the 10th and its so tight. I’ve come to love white reggae bands since my cousin Matt put me onto Groundation and Turner onto this band right here. This album’s sound, aided by the production skills of Keith Armstrong and Errol Brown (who also produced on Stephen, Ziggy, Damian and Bob Marley’s albums) is just plain beautiful. Hearing that they were going to make it a 3-disc album (original, acoustic and dubstep) before it was released actively excited me, and it completely lived up to my expectations. There’s something about [good] acoustic versions of a song that seems to create a vibe unlike any other. Enjoy


Sky Is The Limit

Meant To Be (Acoustic) 

Comfort Zone 

Good Vibes (Ft. Lutan Fyah) 

Route Around 

Download the Full Album:

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