
Applying for Grad School is a b?@#$.  I’m already at the point where im not sure what i owe and what im missing to complete the applications but its ok.  I have been stressing over it but alas, something was brought to my attention that now…is impossible to concentrate on my future.  This is BREAKING BAD.


This show is genius.  Im usually against drama tv shows.  Lost was a show that started off interesting, and then it got all impossible with monsters and random characters found on the island, 24 is just too much for my liking, no way some guy can do all that in under one hour.  Most drama shows get canceled because its hard to keep up with good writing in every 30 minute/hour episodes for season after season.  Sometimes the suspense is gone due to lack of character development, or the story is no longer believable due to awful writing.


This is where Breaking Bad succeeds.  The writing is impeccable.  The story is serious, and the characters are great.  The show makes you agree with what our main character is doing, and your always cheering for him.  Im currently on season 3 and from what i read in reviews, it only gets better.


Just a random video for anyone who loves this show.  This is what Breaking Bad would look like…..on drugs haha

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