Welcome back NBA

Although I don’t follow the NBA (more of a college basketball fan myself…GO DUKE!), as a sports fan I’m glad to see the NBA playing again.  In honor of the 2 sides finally reaching a deal in the NBA and the NFL this year, just makes sense to do a sports post. So here are the best moments of this here Christmas weekend in sports, starting with the one and only D. Rose. Oh, and Luol Dang?  7th overall pick in the 2004 draft out of Duke University

Bolton vs. Newcastle. Skip to 1:25


Watch the first 35 seconds of this one. Two incredible saves


I found a couple sick soccer highlights (posted above), but the site’s embedding process isn’t working on this here blog. Check em out though, they’re pretty sick.  Now I’ll leave you with something Turner showed me a couple days ago. Had me as giddy as a school girl.

Tom Brady dies and goes to heaven. God says, “Welcome Tom, and job well done. Look to your right. See that little modest 2000 square foot home with the Patriot’s sticker and your picture in the front window, that is where you will live. You should be proud, not everyone here gets a house to live in.”
Brady was proud and thankful as well, but as he walked towards his new house, he saw a huge 25,000 square foot mansion around the corner painted orange and blue, with Gator and Bronco Stained glass in every window bearing a Tim Tebow image in full uniform, two 150 foot flag poles in the front manicured lawn waiving a Gator and a Bronco’s flag respectively, a pool shaped like Albert the Alligator, a hot tub shaped like a Bronco and separate Bronco and Gator Tim Tebow signed Jerseys on each of the enormous entrance doors. Tom turned back and said “God, I do not mean to sound disrespectful but I have a question….
I was All Pro for 9 straight years, League MVP 4 times and won 3 Super Bowls. How come Tim Tebow gets a bigger house than I do?” God chuckled and said, “Tom, that is not Tim’s house, it’s mine”

“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men”


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