Next Time I Swear I Won’t Drive To Nevada

The writer of Cult.ivated Society who I had the honor of meeting over halloween weekend 2010 did a piece on a duo made up of none other than Jesse Morrison and Dan Hildebrand. Both stemming from Phoenix, AZ, they recently collaborated on a couple of tracks with Jesse laying down the instrumentals and backup vocals while Dan raps over the top. I can’t find the words to give them the respect that they deserve (I’m running on 30 minutes of sleep), so I’m gonna borrow what Mr. Cult.ivated wrote. Enjoy

The fine fellows above are Arizona natives (shout out to the 602) that go by

Rocky Loves Emily.  Jesse Morrison (left) and Daniel Hildebrand (Right) first

off are like the two raddest, most genuine dooders around.  I have had the

honor of hanging out with these guys a time or two and their chilled out, loving

personalities is depicted in their music. Enough of that mushy chatter though,

let’s talk music.  Jesse leads production and those killer vocals at the beginning

of the track.  If you guys follow Cult.ivate often, you saw a post I did a while

back by a band called CooBee Coo.  Jesse is one of the guys from CooBee Coo

and takes his many musical talents to produce one of the coolest tracks I have

heard.  It’s got that Summer time feel to it, but like I said before, what does that

even really mean.  For you guys that go to APU with the lot of us, you may

recognize that bearded wonder on your right.  Daniel aka Hildy has built up

quite the reputation for being one of the best freestylers (I don’t care that

freestylers isn’t a real word, get over it) around and I mean actually freestyling.

By freestyling I actually mean coming up with raps on the spot, off the dome!

For those of you who have been clouded by all these rappers droppin

“Freestyles” on the radio, lemme break some harsh news to you, THOSE

AREN”T FREESTYLES.  Yes, yes, I know your sad, devastated even, but don’t

fret, I have just the answer.  Wipe those little tears away and click the play

button, everything will be all better, I promise.  Enough chatter.

Check out Cult.ivated Society’s blog. Dude puts in a lot of work posting new dope music almost everyday. This blog is the inspiration that got me and Sibi to start this project up:

“I rip and I rhyme, I rhyme and I rip. This is the way that Dylan spits”

1 Comment

  1. Dooders,

    I have been following almost every day (sometimes I get caught up and forget). Keep it up, the site is dope. Im giving you guys a shoutout on Cult.ivate tomorrow.

    “Amidst the rubble a blossom blooms”

    Levi P.

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