I Would Be Interested In Hearing About This In Blog Form

In light of Sibi putting up the post about films taking from 2001: A Space Odyssey, I’ve decided to go on the other side of this common phenomenon (oxymoronic, I know) and showcase how a certain show takes from other shows and films to help create hilarious moments of its own.

Side note: My brother dressed up as Barney Stinson this last halloween and didn’t take a single bad picture. True Story.

How I Met Your Mother is my favorite tv show (Community and Scrubs are up in the top 3 as well but they have fallen/fell off in the 3rd and 8th season, respectively), and after watching old episodes recently I’ve noticed how many pop-culture references they throw in that make the show so much funnier. This isn’t from all 7 seasons…because I don’t have that kind of time on my hands, and that list would be too long for anyone but an obsessed fan (e.g. yours truly) to read from beginning to end. So heres HIMYM and some of its many influences:

The Three Amigos:  

Dead Poets Society: Sorry, but I couldn’t find a clip of it. Start at 13:30…or watch the whole thing http://videobb.com/watch_video.php?v=nagKiqZ6Awic

World of Warcraft: 

That 70’s Show:  

Late Night with David Letterman:  I love how he does the laugh and the throwing of the paper at the end perfectly


Scrubs: This one is a long shot, but Barney always reminds me of the Janitor    


Lost: Not quite a fan of people from other shows making guest appearances as practically the same characters, but alas.  

Amadeus: P.S. the best burger in the NYC is at the Burger Joint in the lobby of Le Parker Meridien.  

Most good shows: Fun fact… They all have a musical episode. And NPH’s voice is fantastic. Another fun fact, Heather morris (Brittany from Glee) is a dancer in this video (when Barney comes out in the flying V at the end, shes the one at the bottom of the screen in the middle/right)  

And, ironically enough, Doogie Howser M.D:  

“My peers have been held back for years, holding back the tears, Everybody knows our name like we was the cast from Cheers”

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