Here’s to the 27 Club

I haven’t had the heart to research and write the two darker top 5 lists (songs at a funeral/songs about death). But, against my better judgment, I’m gonna do one tonight and then we’ll see about the next one. It might take a while to get posted.  On a side note; I just came across Jeff Buckley for the first time today after a recommendation to his version of “Hallelujah” and I’m starting to fall in love with this dude’s sound. But lets not get side-tracked.

Top 5 Songs that I want to be sung at my funeral:

1. “For Good” Wicked

2. “Will You Be There” Michael Jackson

3. “Wish You Were Here” Pink Floyd

4. “Dance With My Father” Luther Vandross

5. “Every Breath You Take” Sting & The Police

“Well is it better to know, or not to know? See I wanna go to art school, but I’m afraid” “Jesus, I hate this funeral”

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