Music just makes everything seem more awesome!!!

In relation to the previous article, Music has a way to make you feel a certain way.  Reasons were already given as to the different possibilities of why a piece of music might affect you.  Whats also interesting is the mixture of Images and Music to create an even stronger feeling.  Whether it’s a photo slide show of an individuals graduation with the cliché Green Day song (Time of you Life), or a brilliant Movie Trailer that sells you, not through the images, but the music mixed into it, its mostly through the music that your emotions come out in a climatic form

This trailer, in my opinion one of the best trailers ever made, successfully sells itself through both the beautiful images and the music.  Classical Music is hit or miss with me, but this movie made me love classical music.  The movie last about 3 hours, with roughly only 30 minutes of dialogue, and an incoherent story.  And this may or may not be apparent, however, this film is not for everyone.  I loved this movie for the photography, its obscure storytelling, but most of all its music.  And this trailer proves it.  Watching this trailer you can’t really tell what the movie will be about, but you are blown away with the images and the music.  And the movie is also successful in showing the viewer the psychological struggles of life, without dialogue, through only the storytelling of images and music….its beautiful

This an example of how music can sell something really average.  Watching this trailer, you FEEL for the characters, you UNDERSTAND what they are going through, even if you never went through the premise of the movie in your life, the music puts you in a familiar state of your life where you may have felt loved and sadness, a feeling bittersweet.  The film however is bland, and average.  Neither bad nor good, and it’s the perfect example of how a trailer can be extremely good at selling the movie but when you watch the movie, 1.  the song isn’t even in it 2. the movie is not as good as the trailer and 3. you don’t really feel anything for the characters.

The you have the ROBBERS!!! The STEALERS!!! The trailers that use the original score of a movie and try to sell it with their movie.  But why would a movie like the Lord Of The Rings need to steal the song of REQUIEM FOR A DREAM.  REQUIEM is a great film with a strong story.  You get lost in the script and dialogue that everytime the song pops up, it climaxes your emotions, making you feel sad, hyped, scared, all at the same time.  The song gets played during the strongest parts of the movie, not to mention the ending which is one of the most jaw-dropping endings in modern day films.  As a result, the song begins to carry those emotions with it, you play it on your ipod, you will get those same feelings you got when you watched the scene that came along with it.  Almost the same way an album will make you reminisce moments during the time it first came out.  So imagine putting that song in an action/thriller/fantasy trailer, all those emotions will come up again subconsciously and the film/trailer you will be watching will win your interest.  A film student can make a 2 minute short, add that song, and it will automatically have a sense of suspense and epic-ness to it.

I sometimes grab all the scores of films, soundtracks, and trailer music, grab it ALL and make a playlist, and play a game with family or friends where they have to guess where the song is from, and if they need a hint, you have to act it out or say the dialogue that matches the scene with the music.  This is obviously just a brief summary as to different ways where music can sell something and be part of your memory in accordance to certain images, and there are thousands of other great films and scores that weren’t mentioned.  Every now and then ill post some great trailers that sell, as for now, I hope this gives an appreciation of music used in other ways to enter the subconscious minds to SELL

And only because this whole blog was created based on a daft punk theory I will of course add this

What better way to make a trailer, let alone film, but with daft punk composing the music…..GENIUS

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